

Covid-19 Proposal - Health Management
成員:陳芳瑩 楊哲睿

In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, we propose ideas based on health and safety to maintain a social life. We hope that our solutions can bring economic and health benefits to society. The epidemic has eased in recent weeks, we propose two options for different situations. One is the health management of school or company personnel, the other is the warning system of wearing masks in public spaces and maintaining social safety distance.

In places where we can control the flow of people, such as buildings in schools or companies, we propose an idea that has both a face recognition system and a temperature measurement system. The systems automatically record the physical condition and the time an individual gets in and out of a certain area. This can substantially reduce the risk of letting people with COVID-19 enter hermetic spaces and more importantly, increase the efficiency for finding people related to the people who have COVID-19, by the time record of course.

As for public spaces, we propose an idea that includes a mask detection system and a distance measurement system. With the two systems, we could detect whether individuals wear masks properly when social distancing is not available. If not, we can remind people via broadcast an announcement or sending a text message. Combined with the temperature measurement system above, we could quickly understand the risk in certain areas, which is crucial for avoiding the pandemic of the virus again.

The technologies involved in our proposal are the ones that already exist and widely applied that can be deployed in a small amount of time. As the topic "Sustainability and Recovery" suggests, our goal is to keep living after the epidemic gets back on track as soon as possible, but at the same time, minimize the risk of letting the virus get out of control once again, which is essential for social recovery.